weeklyOSM minified RSS feed with feed-minifier

Intro For the OpenStreetMap news site weeklyOSM I have created minified RSS feeds with a self-written tool called feed-minifier. This saves a lot of bandwidth when subscribing to that news site. What are the differences compared to the original weeklyOSM feed? The number of weeklyOSM articles in the feed is reduced to only contain the latest edition. Flags of the OSM calendar events are replaced with emoticons. Language indicator icons for the translation links are replaced by text links with the language code. All other images are replaced with a text in square brackets naming the image source URL, the alt text and the image size. This way no images are loaded automatically when loading the RSS item. New lines in the source of the article content are deleted. HTML comments and CSS classes are removed. The advantage of all this extra processing of the feed to a minimized version is a reduction of around 90 % in size. E.g. the feed including the Italian weeklyOSM #754 could be reduced from 360,889 bytes to 31,646 bytes. Additionally, the ten title images are not loaded, e.g. the one for weeklyOSM #754 has a size of 464,872 bytes. ...

Januar 5, 2025 · 2 Minuten

start failed: unsupported shim version

So i got the error while starting up a container via docker-compose: Unimplemented: failed to start shim: start failed: unsupported shim version (3): not implemented Sometimes a reboot resolves a problem.

November 11, 2024 · 1 Minute

Dokuwiki Plugin, um Benachrichtigungen zu Mattermost zu senden

Für Mattermost gibt es bei Dokuwiki selbst kein Notifier Plugin. Das schöne ist aber, dass man stattdessen einfach das Slack Notifier Plugin nutzen kann. Man konfiguriert dann in den Plugin-Einstellungen die Slack Incoming Webhook URL auf einen Webhook, den man in Mattermost angelegt hat.

Oktober 31, 2024 · 1 Minute

pikaur: Read damn arch-wiki before borking your computer

When you get the message from pikaur: Read damn arch-wiki before borking your computer https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Arch_User_Repository (Also, don't report any issues to pikaur, if ure seeing this message) you need to check your base-devel package is installed. References: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=297084 https://github.com/actionless/pikaur/commit/94ec6b087b4083909a2c59e33112f7e0956f77e6 https://archlinux.org/packages/?q=base-devel

Juli 10, 2024 · 1 Minute

RSS Feed Pflege: Volltext-Feed

Heute habe ich mal meine RSS Feeds genauer unter die Lupe genommen und ein paar Anpassungen vorgenommen. Es wird nun ein Volltext-Feed und wie bisher ein gekürzter Feed mit Teasern generiert. Bisher dachte ich, dass mit Hugo automatisch ein Volltext-Feed generiert wird. Aber dem war nicht so. Zum Glück kann man das ändern. Dazu habe ich ein neues OutputFormat erzeugt, ein neues Template basierend auf dem derzeitigen RSS Feed Template erstellt und angepasst und den neuen Feed in meinem Theme verlinkt. Das wars.

November 12, 2023 · 1 Minute